Christmas When You’re Sad

“I just don’t want to be all holly jolly,” a friend told me. I nodded. I know the feeling well. It’s been three years since I felt genuine happiness at Christmas. My babies were getting bigger. They could finally take a turn holding a candle at the Christmas Eve service in my memories I see […]

It’s Time to Buy a Yoga Mat

I have a complicated history of caring for myself.  Over the past decade, the suggestion of yoga slipped into my life from this person and that. A printed instructional sheet of yoga moves someone gave me that I practiced in my college dorm room. (Oh, the first time I posed in warrior one I never […]

Our Unfinished Story

How Healing Happens, Part 6 My grandpa was a man of few serious words. Oh, he talked plenty. But his native language was sarcasm in his New York Bronx accent. He would talk seriously about God in church but he wasn’t a man to often share words of wisdom or thoughtful compliments. He called me […]

God’s Role and Mine

How Healing Happens, Part 5 A blind man came to Jesus asking for healing. Jesus made mud, put it on his eyes and asked him to go wash it off. A rich ruler asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told him to go sell all his possessions and follow […]

Groundwork for Change

How Healing Happens, Part 4 Over the past year, I’ve read some incredible books about growth. It seems like it should be fairly simple: plant the seeds, water them, and they grow. End of story. And it is that simple. But also not. God has designed a complex world. We know that there are multiple […]

Knowing Why

How Healing Happens, Part 3 If you have suffered from a long-lasting illness or injury, or a series of illnesses, you know how frustrating it is to do the “right” things over and over again without seeing much improvement. Healing takes time. Doctors like to say this. It should give the patient hope. And sometimes […]

My (Un)Health Journey

How Healing Happens, Part 2 If I could define the first 24 years of my life with a word, it would be: more. I wanted to do more work, make more people happy, accomplish more dreams, save more money, do more research, read more books, get more done for God, speak more truth, get more […]

12 Years for Faith to Grow

How Healing Happens, Part 1 Imagine waking every morning for twelve years with symptoms of a chronic internal bleeding disease. You’re wiped out in every way. Sleep doesn’t recharge you, in fact, you barely sleep because of the anxiety that makes your mind spin. Will this new doctor be able to help at all? That […]

Growing from Survival to Flourishing

What area of your life overwhelms you? For a long season, when I thought of caring for the physical needs of our home and family, waves of anxiety washed over me. So many tasks that were always undone. My to-do list was never crossed off and guilt attacked me. To begin to step out of […]

Balance: Recognizing your Season

This is part of a series on balance. Begin here to read more. When my soul starts questioning life, I always find my way back to the book of Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon, who is even in secular history books considered one of the greatest rulers who ever lived. God offered a young Solomon […]