I’m so good at making excuses to keep from disciplining myself. I’m so good that I don’t even realize I’m making excuses until I stop and evaluate what’s keeping me from getting started. As we’ve been healing this year, one thing that has helped me so much is recognizing that habits are created both by committing to action every day but also by actively eliminating our excuses.
Take drinking water, for example. Everyone knows they need to drink more water. We can’t heal physically if we don’t hydrate our bodies. It’s one of the most basic tools God has given us to keep ourselves strong and healthy. Yet we often struggle to drink it.
So I’ve been actively working to eliminate my excuses for drinking water. Here are some of the solutions I’ve found.
First, notice how you enjoy drinking your water best. Do you like using a specific cup? Do you like it with or without ice? I prefer ice water in a plastic cup and non-iced in a glass. Do you like a little lemon or lime flavoring it? Just observe what makes you happiest. Recognizing that little bit of enjoyment can inspire you to practice it again.
Secondly, buy yourself a water bottle that you can easily bring with you wherever you go. I love finding ones with a little infuser in them that I can fill with herbs or fruit to flavor my water. There are many benefits to doing that as well. But maybe you’d like one that looks a certain way. Again, ensuring you always have a specific tool to use helps you keep practicing health.
Finally, maybe you’re the type that does well with motivation. Find a water tracking app (I use My Water) that can remind you to drink at certain intervals throughout the day. Print yourself a chart you can check off when you drink a glass.
The point of all this is more than just drinking water. It’s creating habits. Habits start one action at a time, repeated over and over until the excuses no longer have power over you.
Maybe you don’t struggle drinking enough water. But what healthy habits do you need motivation for to get started pushing through today?
Evaluate your feelings and frustrations, admit your struggles, find a way to eliminate the excuse, and start small.
Habits can be changed.