Colorado Adventures {31 Days}

It took me two years to become certified to teach English as a second language. I tutored while at Emmaus but my biggest opportunity came the summer after my junior year. I traveled to Littleton, CO, where I spent the summer volunteer teaching an ESL class at a church there. I lived with a family […]

Real Love = Sacrifice {31 Days}

The spring semester of my junior year God took me through relationship boot camp. Nate and I were close friends but I was investing more than he was in our relationship and it was heading south. As two of my other friends who were dating each other worked through some things, I tried to give […]

A Heart for the World {31 Days}

All my life I thought I might be a missionary someday. I visited a friend in Ireland when I was 18. At 19 I met a Kenyan believer who told me about the need in Kenya for women Bible teachers and I prayed a lot about going there. But Peru really won my heart when […]

Truth in the Dark {31 Days}

Shortly before leaving for college I took a Myers-Briggs personality test. I tested as a 100% extroverted ESFJ. One hundred percent. Looking back, it indicated my unhealthy dependence on people. Because I’d spent years wishing I lived closer to friends, I loved being surrounded by Christians at college. I made friendships left and right. Some […]

The Cut Makes me Whole {31 Days}

I’ve always been very opinionated about everything. When I was a freshman in college, everything was black and white to me. One right way to do everything. I had a set of standards for how life worked. And I was right, of course. Only, I was wrong. Not everything in life is absolute. See, when […]

Following a New Adventure {31 Days}

Ever had one of those crazy ideas from God you can’t wrap your mind around? I lived at home for 4 years after I graduated from high school, helping at home, cleaning houses for a living, and writing constantly. One fall a homeschool support group asked me to guest teach in their creative writing class. […]

Tales from Homeschool Days {31 Days}

Mom homeschooled me until I graduated from high school, aka Peaceful Prairie Academy. New homeschooling moms often ask about my experience. “Did you like it? Was it worth it?” Here’s my rundown. As a shy Kindergartener, I loved that I didn’t have to go to the enormous Christian school where my aunts and uncles went. […]

Softening Hardened Hearts {31 Days}

I started cleaning houses when I was 16, mostly for elderly people. Today my story is about the grumpiest person I’ve ever known, and the most endearing. Ruth lived in a little house that had stepped straight out of 1970. It had barely aged a day, probably because it never saw the sunlight, tucked behind […]

Hunting for Approval {31 Days}

My grandpa discovered hunting when our family moved from Florida to Kansas. He bought a muzzleloader rifle among other guns and for a few years went deer hunting with it. Then the novelty wore off, but he always loved guns. I was his oldest granddaughter and called him “Pal.” I liked to shoot his guns […]

Beauty of Being Home {31 Days}

You can take a girl out of Kansas, but you can’t take Kansas out of the girl. When I moved to Iowa, I got digs all the time about how boring Kansas was. I got all worked up about it, which made the digs worse. I’m done getting worked up about it now, but I […]