Our Unfinished Story

How Healing Happens, Part 6 My grandpa was a man of few serious words. Oh, he talked plenty. But his native language was sarcasm in his New York Bronx accent. He would talk seriously about God in church but he wasn’t a man to often share words of wisdom or thoughtful compliments. He called me […]

God’s Role and Mine

How Healing Happens, Part 5 A blind man came to Jesus asking for healing. Jesus made mud, put it on his eyes and asked him to go wash it off. A rich ruler asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told him to go sell all his possessions and follow […]

Groundwork for Change

How Healing Happens, Part 4 Over the past year, I’ve read some incredible books about growth. It seems like it should be fairly simple: plant the seeds, water them, and they grow. End of story. And it is that simple. But also not. God has designed a complex world. We know that there are multiple […]

Knowing Why

How Healing Happens, Part 3 If you have suffered from a long-lasting illness or injury, or a series of illnesses, you know how frustrating it is to do the “right” things over and over again without seeing much improvement. Healing takes time. Doctors like to say this. It should give the patient hope. And sometimes […]

My (Un)Health Journey

How Healing Happens, Part 2 If I could define the first 24 years of my life with a word, it would be: more. I wanted to do more work, make more people happy, accomplish more dreams, save more money, do more research, read more books, get more done for God, speak more truth, get more […]

12 Years for Faith to Grow

How Healing Happens, Part 1 Imagine waking every morning for twelve years with symptoms of a chronic internal bleeding disease. You’re wiped out in every way. Sleep doesn’t recharge you, in fact, you barely sleep because of the anxiety that makes your mind spin. Will this new doctor be able to help at all? That […]

God of Peace {31 Days}

Thanks for stopping by! This is Day 24 of my 2015 “31 Days Reflecting on God” series. Find the rest over here. Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 […]

Balance: Free Yourself

Hebrews 12:1 says, “Let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up; and let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, our leader.” TLB […]

Balance: Just Because I Can

“We must push beyond what is comfortable if we want to grow.” Susie Larson They tell me it isn’t normal to be able to rattle off 30 or 40 people’s names I’ve been actively reaching out to on any given week. Camp kids I write letters to. Elderly people whose houses I clean, who I […]

Balance: Not What I Think it Looks Like

A favorite blogger of mine, Lisa Jo Baker, has been doing a 10-day challenge with herself to get back into regular blogging. I’ve decided I’m going to do half of that and blog for 5 days in the next week to stretch my mental muscles and prove to myself I’m capable of thinking about more […]